(actually it's 29 weeks now, but this is the 28-week picture).
Michael and I have started our pre-natal classes, and all this talk about how you know when it's time to get to the hospital and what to do after you arrive home with a newborn has suddenly started to give us a sense of urgency... even if there are still over 2 months to go. On the other hand, preparing for the baby gives us something to do other than looking at each other every night and saying "omg, what have we done?", and a little distraction is welcome at this point.
I've started to get the backaches and general uncomfortableness that comes with this stage of pregnancy, and unfortunately for Michael they tend to be harder to deal with at night after a day of work, so he bears the brunt of the whining and complaining. He asked that I point out to everyone that he is very good at giving me back rubs and bringing me tea after I get comfortably arranged on the couch, and that he has been doing all the cooking too (on the menu this month - lots of omega-3s to help with brain development).
We're now looking forward to two November events - on the 9th we're doing the tour of the maternity ward to see the place where I'll be giving birth, and then on the 20th we have a final ultrasound to make sure that the baby has turned and is in the right position and that everything else is looking OK. It's the home stretch!!!
You're ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. Glad to hear Michael's taking good care of you and Zoe. Love to you all. (And that's NOT y'all).
Love, Mom T.
Love your nightie and love you in it. You and Michael will find the last two months will whirl by as you try and get everything in order. Glad Michael is takingg good care of you. Love, Nana.
Bravo to all three of you for getting this far in such wonderful condition. Let the magic continue!
Thanks for sharing the updates, wish I could hold you in my arms. Soon.
Jane, you look marvelous! And what a wonderful husband you have. Are you enjoying your job? Am I to understand by the name Zoe that it/she is a girl??!
Very nice and beautiful. Wish a happy life with the baby
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