Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Even the outfits are boring...

If this doesn't exemplify the cultural differences between Europe and North America, I don't know what does. Last week's Michael Jackson memorial was broadcast by only one network - CNN International. On the other hand, there is no mistaking the fact that the Tour de France is on in full swing. Every single day, the tour is broadcast on at least 8 different networks for a total of about 6 hours a day. Each network gets the exact same video feed from the tour organizers, so the only difference is the commentary, which you can watch in any of the following languages:
  • French (from France)
  • French (from Belgium)
  • Dutch (from Netherlands)
  • Flemish (from Belgium)
  • German (from Belgium)
  • English (from the UK)
Additionally, there are at least 3 options to watch in HD, if you aren't satisfied with the regular coverage. For some reason, Michael loves to watch the race, and insists on watching it every single day despite the fact that interesting events like crashes or breakaways are few and far between and are usually showcased in the primetime highlight shows. I've just downloaded The Business of Being Born, and I can't watch it until today's stage is done... lucky for him, Michael went and got me McDonalds for lunch, so I'm in a particularly patient mood.

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